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Students pose for a photo on the Browning lawn

A student's GovLife

Every student’s story is unique, but they all share a common thread – Austin Peay has helped its students find the leader within. We invite you to meet current and past students and discover how each #GovLife is leading through excellence.

Austin Derden in MUC
Austin Derden – Graduate, Mental Health Counseling

“I get to do a great service to not only military-affiliated students and veterans, but anybody can come use the (Newton Military Family Resource Center) and use our textbook program. I greatly enjoy expanding on that program. We really provide a heck of service.”

Loren Carmichael poses outside of Clement building
Loren Carmichael – Psychology

“I loved the feeling of closeness and home I felt when I walked around on my first tour. At Austin Peay I don’t feel like a number, I feel like I am a part of something meaningful.”

Celeste Malone poses outside of MUC
Celeste Malone – Graduate, Communication

“365bet has continuously challenged and pushed me to become the person I am today.”

Derrick Tims poses in Clement
Derrick Tims – Psychology

“To me, being a “Gov” means that you constantly challenge yourself to be better than you were the day before.”

Hunter Burkhart poses in McCord lab
Hunter Burkhart – Nursing

“The program at Austin Peay has been great for building my confidence and showing me that Austin Peay nurses really do make some great nurses.”

Luke Cecil poses outside of Maynard building
Luke Cecil – Computer Science

“I wanted to go somewhere where no one knew me and where I could be my own person, and Austin Peay provided me that opportunity.”

Vanessa Paniagua poses in classroom
Vanessa Rodriguez-Paniagua – Sociology

“When I went to community college, I didn’t lead. I literally went to school and left. Being here, I feel like I’ve had a lot of encouragement from my professors to do that extra thing. For me that’s being the leader I knew I could always be but needed that extra push to achieve. I’ve appreciated that a lot.”

Madison Hobson poses outside of Ellington
Madison Hobson – English

“Being a Governor means so much more to me than a mascot; it means that I have the power to bring change and be change.”